Parts of the Invoice Screen
PO Number  -  PO Date  -  Invoice Date

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The following parts are located midway down the Main Invoice Screen:


PO Number (Purchase Order Number)

PO Number means Purchase Order Number.  Many businesses use Purchase Order Numbers to reference their orders.

In this blank, type in the customer's PO Number.  If the customer doesn't use a PO Number, then enter some type of identifier, i.e. "Phone order by Marie."   When there's no PO number, it is very helpful to have the name of the person who made the order if questions later arise.

Invoices aren't always used for sales.  You'll also use invoices to issue credits or account for returns, damages, or fees.  In any of these cases, use the PO Number to identify the transaction.  If it's a return, type in: "RETRN."  If the customer has given you a return number, type in "RETRN" and the number, i.e. "RETRN 102445."   If you are crediting the customer for a damaged book, type in "DAMAGED ITEM."

The program will automatically insert an identifier in the PO Number blank in two cases.  It occurs when you paste a code from the list which appears after selecting EDIT >> PASTE FROM ITEM S-CODE LIST from the Menu Bar.  The "Paste from List" function is used to insert a code in the Item Area.  If you paste either the code "F" (for fees) or "M" (for credit memorandum), the program will automatically enter "Fees" or "Credit Memorandum" in the PO Number blank.  For more information on codes, see S-codes.  You are free to alter these terms in any way.  For instance, you may wish to change "Fees" to "Warehouse Fees" if the fees charged by your customer are for warehouse storage.  Or you might want to change "Credit Memorandum" to "Credit Memo" or "Bookkeeping Credit."

The PO Number shows up on your billing statements.  By having the PO Number or descriptive identifiers for returns, damages, fees, credit, etc., it is much easier for you and your customer to understand their statement.

The PO Number blank has a special Speed Menu (activated by right clicking) which allows you to paste a PO number from the clipboard.  If the PO was issued that day, you can also paste the current date at the same time.


PO Date (Purchase Order Date)

PO Date means Purchase Order Date.  Type in the order date that appears on the customer's purchase order.  If the customer is ordering by phone, type in the date they called.  If it's a return, damage, credit, or fee item, you can leave the PO Date blank.

If the PO was issued that day, you can use a special Speed Menu (activated by right clicking) which allows you to paste the current date to the blank.  Or you also can paste the current date by pressing SHIFT on your keyboard, and then while keeping the shift key down, double-click with the mouse.

To the right of the PO Date field is a button with "C" on it.  The "C" stands for Calendar Button.  You'll see Calendar Buttons throughout the program.  By clicking on the "C" button, the Pocketbook Calendar pops up with the current month showing.  (You can also activate the calendar by double-clicking in the PO Date field.)  If need be you can change the month on the Pocketbook Calendar by using the right and left arrows.  Select a date from the calendar by double-clicking and it will be inserted in the PO Date blank.  More information: How to Use the Calendars



Other Parts of the Invoice Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

Phone - Email - Barcode

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Code Box - Discount - Less Discount

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2)

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help