Parts of the Invoice Screen:
Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name

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Parts of the mid to lower, right side of the Main Invoice Screen include:


Card # / Exp

This field may be used for entering credit cards or check numbers.  Check numbers should always be proceeded with one of the following designations:  "Check," "Chk," or "#" (pound sign).  When AnyOrder sees one of these designations (and when the invoice is marked paid), AnyOrder will print "Paid by Check # xxxx" on the printed invoice.

If the customer pays with a credit card, enter the credit card number in the first blank and expiration date in the second blank.  This information can be exported to a third party credit card processing program.  Or, if you may use AnyOrder's built-in processing programs for approving credit cards.

IMPORTANT: If you don't use AnyOrder to process cards, we still highly recommended that you enter the last four digits of the customer's card number in this space.  AnyOrder has the ability to calculate how much you are paying to the credit card company for processing services.  It does that by looking for a number in the Card # blank.  It can be any number of any length.  A one-digit number works as well as a 20-digit number.  But it must be a number, not a letter (or the check designators described above).  If it's a number, AnyOrder will count the invoice as a credit card sale.  If there's no number--or it's a letter--it will not be counted.

When printing invoices, AnyOrder will truncate the credit card number to the last four (4) digits.  Most state and provincial laws require that the invoice or receipt that you provide to the customer include the card number formatted in this manner.  Most laws also require that the expiration date not appear on the customer's copy.  For this reason, the "Original" copy of the printed invoice (which is the same the "Customer's Copy") always truncates the credit card number and blocks the expiration date.  If you need a printed copy of the full number and expiration date for your own internal purposes, you can do so for your "Copy" (the "Merchant's Copy") by making the appropriate choice in "More Options" (accessed from the Print dialog box.)  If it's not needed, then for security reasons, you should use truncated numbers on all printed invoices that you keep for your records.

Note that the Card # blank has a special Speed Menu (accessed by clicking the right mouse button.)  From this speed menu you can paste a copied credit card number and automatically verify the number.  You can also format a number so that every four digits are separated by a space or remove spaces for pasting into other software programs.  More information on these and other specialized features are found at Pasting and Copying Credit Card Numbers

Finally, you can hide credit card numbers (except for the last 4-digits) or you can encrypt credit card numbers so that the numbers are saved in an encrypted form in the database file.  For more information, see Credit Card Encryption.



"V" Button

The "V" button ("V" is for Verify) located just past the expiration date blank is used to check the accuracy of credit card numbers.  For more information, see Verify and Check Accuracy of Card Number.


Opt Button (Level 3 and above)

The "Opt" button ("Opt" is for Email Options) located above the "V" button brings up the emailing Options dialog box. If you click on this button, the Emailing Options dialog box appears.  You can use this dialog box to insert the Billing Name or Shipping Name into the "To" blank of your email program.  You can also select a prepared note to insert in your email message.



Auth Button (Level 3 and above)

The "Auth" button ("Auth" is for Authorize Credit Cards) located above the "V" button will active the credit card processing dialog box.  AnyOrder has two types of credit card processing modules.  For Levels 4 and above, the default module is Gateway processing, and when you click this button the Gateway Credit Card Processing dialog box appears.  For Level 3, the default mode is Touch Tone Processing.  If you use Touch Tone Processing you can activate the Touch Tone dialog box by changing the setting in FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP and clicking on the "Credit Card Processing" tab.



Credit Card Name - Approval / CVV #

The "Card Name" is used if the customer's name showing on the credit card is different than the name in the "Billing to" field.  If the name is the same, you can leave this field blank.

When the card is approved, type in the authorization code in the "Approved" field (the first of the two fields).  (If you use Gateway Credit Card Processing (available as an add-on for Levels 4 and above), the approval code will be entered automatically for you.)  If you use a third party credit card software program, and the software maintains a list of approval numbers, then, unless you require the approval number along with the invoice, typing in "OK" is sufficient.  (You can have "OK" automatically entered if you use the credit card export feature (found in Advanced Export) to move credit card numbers to your card processing software).

The CVV # blank (the second blank after "Approval") is used for the card's Verification Value code.  This is the 3 digit code found on the back of Visa/MasterCards or the 4-digit code on the front of American Express cards.  In the Advanced Export portion of the program, this code can be exported along with the card number, amount, expiration date and other information.

Note that in past versions of AnyOrder, the CVV blank was used if the credit card processor provided you with a second authorization number.  That's becoming rarer, but if you still obtain the number, it can be entered in the "Notes" area on the bottom of the invoice screen.

Note that if you utilize the Alternative Invoice Numbering system, AnyOrder uses the card authorization field for alternative numbers.  In that case, all you'll see on the Invoice Screen in this area is a place for the CVV code.  If you use the one of the two credit card processors available, AnyOrder will record any authorization codes in the Notes Area of the invoice.




Use this to type notes to yourself.  The notes will not show up on the printed invoice.  You may want to indicate why you gave the customer a certain discount, or details on how you packed and shipped the items, or the name of a friendly contact at the customer's business.

This is also the place where AnyOrder will add helpful notes.  In particular, it will tell you if the invoice was paid off and recorded on another invoice.  Be sure not to erase any payment notes.  The program uses the notations to keep track of a customer's account activity.  For more information on payment notes, see Notations Made by the Mark Paid Feature.

If desired, you can create a message to be included on the printed invoice.  To do so insert the message between double curly brackets.  Here's an example:  {{We've given you an extra 5% discount for being such a great customer.  Thanks so much for your business!}}  You can also create Invoice messages by selecting EDIT >> ADD/EDIT INVOICE MESSAGE from the Menu Bar.  Since double brackets indicate invoice messages, be sure not to use them for other purposes in the Notes area.  For more information on the size limit of invoice messages, see Add or Edit Invoice Message.

If you have the Level 7 program and use AnyOrder's internal email, you can use the Notes area for additional email addresses or long email address. More information.

Other Parts of the Invoice Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date

Phone - Email - Barcode

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Code Box - Discount -Less Discount

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2)

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help