Menu Bar

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Printed across the top of the Invoice Screen is the Menu Bar. It consists of FILE... EDIT… GO TO... INVOICE TOOLS... PRODUCT TOOLS… SHIPPING TOOLS… MAIN TASKS... SECURITY… WINDOW... HELP.  You select menu items by clicking them with the mouse or by first pressing the Alt key on the keyboard.  Then press the first letter of the menu item, i.e. pressing Alt and then "F" opens the file menu.   (Note that you can also use Alt keys to navigate around the Main Invoice Screen.  To move around the Invoice Screen, press Alt and the key together.  For example, pressing Alt+N takes you to the Net Days field.


Many of the menu items have alternative key combinations.  The alternative keys are indicated alongside the item.  For example GO TO, SEARCH can also be activated by pressing Ctrl+S. GO TO, REPEAT SEARCH is Ctrl+R, and so on.

Some of the other functions in the program have their own Menu Bars. The Menu Bars in different parts of the program are all very similar, and any differences are pointed out in the help material for the particular function.

Note that there's an additional menu (Speed Menu) that is activated by clicking on the right mouse button.  The Speed Menu provides access to commonly used menu items.  More information on the Speed Menu.

Note: menu items below which have a "II" beside it are features of the Level II program and above.  Menu items with a "III" beside it are features of the Level III program and above.  And so on.   For example:  "Address Lines: Change Case (V)" which is found under the EDIT menu is a Level V, VI and VII feature.

For more information on any aspect of the Invoice Screen Menu Bar, click on the individual menu item below:


Back-up Files

Restore Back-up Files

Move Invoices to Storage

View Invoices in Storage

End Storage Viewing

Use Rover for Storage (VII) Level 7

File Maintenance Functions

Basic Program Set-up & Preferences

Activate User Defined Fields (IV) Level 4 and Above

Print Invoice

Print Packing Slip

Print Multi-Package Slips (V) Level 5 and Above

Print Receipt

Batch Printing

Network Save

Local Back-up & Restore

Other Network Functions


Remove Imported Records

Export Invoices (Basic) (II) Level 2 and Above

Advanced Export (III) Level 3 and Above

Email Export (III) Level 3 and Above







Special Paste (IV) Level 4 and Above

Pre-selected Paste (IV) Level 4 and Above

Address Copy or Paste

Copy Entire Invoice (Text) (III) Level 3 and Above

Copy Entire Invoice (HTML) (III) Level 3 and Above

Paste from Proforma Invoices (V) Level 5 and Above

Paste from Primary Contact Manager (VI) Level 6 and Above

Paste from Standing Order Module (VI) Level 6 and Above

Address Lines: Change Case (V) Level 5 and Above

Paste from Customer or Product List

Paste from Item S-Code List

Add/Edit Invoice Message

Import from Clipboard (III) Level 3 and Above

Export to Clipboard (III) Level 3 and Above

Clear All Blanks


Previous Invoice

Next Invoice

Default Values for New Invoices (IV) Level 4 and Above

First Invoice

Last Invoice

New Invoice


Advanced Search (II) Level 2 and Above

Repeat Search

Repeat Search Backward

Repeat Search Forward

Find Invoice from Look-up List

Find by Scanning Invoice Barcode (V) Level 5 and Above

Find by Scanning Tracking # (V) Level 5 and Above

Find and Replace (II) Level 2 and Above

Bookmarks (VI) Level 6 and Above


Refresh Invoice Screen

Do Invoice Calculations

Mark Invoice Paid

Remove Payment Status

Payment Analysis

Deposit & Payment Report

Tax Rates(Change Rate)

Tax Rates(Variable Tax Rates) (IV) Level 4 and Above

Currency Conversion (III) Level 3 and Above

Credit Card Authorization (Gateway Credit Card Processing) (IV) Level 4 and Above

Credit Card Authorization (Touch Tone Card Processing) (III) Level 3 and Above

Verify & Check Card Number Accuracy

Lock Invoice

Unlock Invoice

All Invoices Lock

All Invoices Unlock

Void Invoice

Remove Voided Invoice

Filter for Open Invoices

Filter Invoices

Turn Filter Off

Close All Open Invoices

Count Invoices (II) Level 2 and Above


Mark-up Calculator (II) Level 2 and Above

Look-up Cat # and Paste Name/Price (IV) Level 4 and Above

Barcode Input (V) Level 5 and Above

Calculate Discount

Product Information and Catalog Numbers

Inventory Functions (II) Level 2 and Above

Reconciliation of Inventory (V) Level 5 and Above

Real Time Inventory Settings (V) Level 5 and Above

Check Inventory Level for Current Item (II) Level 2 and Above

Add New Item Row & Activate Product List

Activate Product List (At Current Row)

Paste from Item S-code List

Designate as Non-taxable Item

Remove Non-taxable Designation

Delete Item Row


Shipping Weight & Charges

Shipping Form (Shipping Details) (IV) Level 4 and Above

View/Modify Shipping Methods List

View/Modify Shipping Shipment Packaging Choices (IV) Level 4 and Above

On-Line Shipment Processing (IV) Level 4 and Above

Multi-Package Shipments (V) Level 5 and Above

Final Shipping and Packing Tasks (V) Level 5 and Above



Add New Invoice

Master List of Sales Reports (IV) Level 4 and Above

Sales and Sales Tax Reports

Yearly Sales

Customer Addresses and Numbers (Customer Database)

Customer Command Center (VI) Level 6 and Above

Billing Statements and Balance Files (II) Level 2 and Above

Customer Contact Manager

Primary Contact Manager (VI) Level 6 and Above

Schedule Reminder Messages (VI) Level 6 and Above

Activate Scheduler (VI) Level 6 and Above

Phone Dialer (Basic) (III) Level 3 and Above

Advanced Phone Dialer (III) Level 3 and Above

Automated Email - Internal Program (VII) Level 7

Open Internal Email Program - Manual Mode (VII) Level 7

Emailing Options (IIII) Level 3 and Above

Process Back Orders (II) Level 2 and Above

View/Modify Code Lists (IV) Level 4 and Above

Mailing List

Royalty Functions (IV) Level 4 and Above

AnyPO: Purchase Order System (IV) Level 4 and Above

Proforma Invoicing System (V) Level 5 and Above

Standing Order Module (VI) Level 6 and Above

Provide Updated Files for Rover (V) Level 5 and Above

Accept New Invoices from Rover (V) Level 5 and Above


Credit Card Encryption Settings (IV) Level 4 and Above

Un-encrypt Credit Card Numbers (IV) Level 4 and Above

Credit Card Number & Validation Code Removal Options

Set-up Administrator (IV) Level 4 and Above

Set-up Users and Access Levels (IV) Level 4 and Above


Alternative Product Entry Screen

User Defined Fields Window (IV) Level 4 and Above

Shipment Window (IV) Level 4 and Above

Change Background Color and Image

Refresh Invoice Screen

Moving Between Different Windows